Friday, May 24, 2024

Humidity settles in for the holiday weekend

This Friday morning a weak cold front is oozing across Virginia, stirring up showers and storms across the Old Dominion. The differences in the air mass ahead of and behind the boundary are slight, with the main distinction being slightly less humid air following the front. As of this writing dew points around Mecklenburg county are in the mid- and upper 60s, which qualifies as "Humid" on this comparative scale:

Cloudy skies this morning will gradually give way to sunnier conditions this afternoon. Forecast models vary quite a bit on how much rain local gauges will collect today, with up to a half-inch seeming likely for most spots. Temperatures look to top out in the upper 70s to low 80s with light winds turning northerly after the front passes.

Saturday will feature a mixed bag of clouds and sun as that weak front stalls out nearby. It won't be wet all day, but folks outdoors should be prepared for scattered light showers. Skies again will begin the day mostly cloudy, with sunshine arriving after lunch. The sunshine will help destabilize the humid air, creating an environment for more potential storms during the late afternoon and evening hours. Highs tomorrow will climb into the upper 80s.

Then on Sunday skies will turn mostly sunny. There will be a chance of showers and storms during the afternoon, but the odds are relatively low. Temperatures Sunday will top out in the upper 80s again. Coupled with the dew points that will make for a sticky feeling outdoors!

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