Friday, September 20, 2024

The final weekend of astronomical summer

The autumnal equinox will occur at 8:43 a.m. Sunday, marking the traditional beginning of autumn, or fall. The Earth's 23.5 degree tilt from the vertical and its location in orbit will combine to bring our entire planet almost exactly 12 hours of daylight on Sunday. Thus the terminator (the line between daylight and night-time, not the movie version!) will be aligned directly north and south as shown on this diagram:

That makes this weekend the final one of summer by astronomical reckoning. 

This three day period - Friday through Sunday - will have pretty much average September weather for Mecklenburg county. Morning lows will be near 60 degrees while afternoon temperatures will top out near 80 degrees each day. Sunshine will be in abundance and surface winds will be very light. The sole exception to these pleasant conditions will be a chance of showers and storms late Saturday night.

Meanwhile the latest Drought Monitor dated Tuesday still shows the county under "Abnormally Dry" conditions. Of the local monitoring stations the Chase City airport was the only one receiving significant rainfall the past couple of days, recording almost an inch and a quarter of rainfall as of Thursday morning. Next week looks to bring more chances of rain, but these dry conditions will only be alleviated by a lot of autumn rainfall.

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