Monday, August 19, 2024

One more round of storms, then a cool change

Today - Monday - will bring similar conditions to yesterday. Mecklenburg county is under a Marginal Risk (level 1 of 5) for severe weather this afternoon thanks to an upper air short wave trough which will pass by overhead. Sunny skies this morning will cloud over as the afternoon progresses, and storms can be expected any time from 5:00 p.m. onward. Strong straight line winds along with lightning will be the chief threats from any storms.

Temperatures which began this morning in the upper 60s around the county will top out in the mid-80s this afternoon. Skies will clear later this evening with temperatures tumbling into the low 60s for some nice sleeping weather. Tuesday will then dawn bright and sunny with a northerly breeze. Local thermometers may not even reach the 80 degree mark tomorrow, which will be almost ten degrees below the average for this date(!).

Overall temperatures this week will remain below average thanks to a persistent long wave trough over the eastern half of the country. The jet stream (black arrows below) is rising well north into Canada over the western U.S. while diving into the deep South in our neck of the woods as shown here:

The result will be a heat wave out west while the eastern half of the nation enjoys more Septemberish conditions. Next week looks to bring back more typical August temperatures.

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