Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday will be the hottest day of the week

This Wednesday morning Mecklenburg county thermometers recorded readings in the low 70s. That's a sign of very humid air and, predictably, the dew point readings are higher than they were the past couple of days. As this post is being crafted a warm front is lifting northward across Virginia, opening the door for hot and sticky air to enter the region. 

This afternoon temperatures look to soar into the upper 90s, with a couple of warmer spots possibly touching triple digits. Sticky humidity will add to the heat for that jungle-like feeling. Meanwhile, a cold front will cross the Appalachian mountains today. Showers and storms triggered by this boundary will stay north of Mecklenburg county during daylight hours.

After sunset that front will be close enough to bring rain and possibly storms into the area. Overall precipitation totals will be paltry except for locales that are visited by a thunderstorm. By dawn Thursday temperatures will be in the low 70s again under skies which will become partly sunny as the day progresses. With the boundary stuck over southeastern Virginia tomorrow looks to feature more showers and storms, with afternoon temperatures topping out near 90 degrees.

As mentioned previously this is Lightning Safety Awareness Week across the country. This graphic touches on safety indoors when lightning is present:

And for those folks outdoors when lightning is present remember the safety catch phrases: "When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors" and "See a Flash, Dash Inside".

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