Sunday, June 9, 2024

A mostly dry week looms ahead

This Sunday morning a southwesterly wind is pumping warm moist air into Mecklenburg county. As a result, low temperatures in the mid-60s were roughly ten degrees warmer than Saturday morning's readings. Skies will be mostly sunny this morning, but cloud cover will increase this afternoon as a cold front (entering West Virginia as this post is being composed) crosses the Appalachians.

High temperatures today will climb to near 90 degrees before some scattered showers - and even a thunderstorm or two - dot the area by late afternoon. Precipitation totals will be light, totaling less than a tenth of an inch except for spots which do experience a thunderstorm. The cold front itself will push across the county near sunset, swapping winds around out of the northwest as cool dry air follows the boundary.

It's possible that some showers could hang around until midnight or so. A couple of forecast models indicate the remnants of a mesoscale convective system will brush northern North Carolina overnight. Regardless, Monday looks to dawn under clear skies. Local thermometers will begin tomorrow registering morning lows in the low 60s, topping out in the low 80s for a pleasant beginning to the work week.

Through mid-week temperatures will remain comfortable with daily maxima in the 80s. However, by Thursday afternoon highs in the 90s will make a grand entrance along with a stickier feel to the air. The week looks dry as the overall weather pattern will keep storm systems mainly along and off the East Coast. This graphic illustrates the expected precipitation totals through next Sunday morning:

(Note: If any substantial changes to the weather look likely before mid-week there will be a Monday afternoon blogpost. If not, the next post will occur at the regular time on Wednesday morning.)

Happy Sunday!

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