Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Glorious weather for the end of May

This Wednesday morning's local thermometers registered lows in the upper 50s around Mecklenburg county. Readings that comfortable will become scarce as summer approaches. A cool and less humid air mass arrived behind Monday's cold front, and even cooler air will follow a reinforcing cold front that will pass through near sunset this evening.

This is all due to an upper level trough which will persist across the eastern third of the nation this week. As a result dry conditions will dominate the weather through the weekend. This graphic shows expected rainfall totals through next Monday morning, with Mecklenburg county at the red star:

This afternoon's highs will top out in the low 80s around the county under bright blue skies and full sunshine. Today will feature light westerly breezes, turning around from the north after this evening's cold front passage. Thursday morning will begin with readings in the mid-50s, warming into the upper 70s during the afternoon hours under continued sunny skies. 

Friday's weather looks to be a carbon copy of tomorrow's conditions. (For those younger folks that don't know that expression, read more here!) 

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