Monday, June 17, 2024

Slightly warmer than average conditions to begin the work week

The highly touted heat wave across the eastern half of the nation will barely skim Mecklenburg county during the first part of the work week. Temperatures today - Monday - which began in the mid-60s will top out near 90 degrees this afternoon. These readings are only a few degrees above mid-June averages.

Skies today will be mostly sunny, with dew points parked in the sticky mid-60s. A light southerly breeze will slowly swing around out of the southeast this afternoon. That wind direction will bring air in from off the Atlantic waters, keeping the outdoors locally from heating up as much as areas to the north. 

This evening a few thunderstorms may rumble over the Blue Ridge mountains to the west. If this activity persists after dark local Mecklenburg residents may see what is colloquially known as "heat lightning". Despite what some folks may have been taught growing up this phenomenon is not caused by heat. It's the result of seeing nocturnal lightning flashes from storms up to 100 miles in the distance, too far away to hear thunder. This "Fact or Fiction" graphic from the National Weather Service explains it:

That convection won't make it eastward into the Piedmont, so there is no chance of rain in the local forecast tonight. Tuesday will thus begin with thermometer readings again in the mid-60s, climbing to the 90 degree mark tomorrow afternoon. That same forecast could be cut and pasted for Wednesday and Thursday as well. But by Friday into the weekend things will heat up. Stay tuned!

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